A Few Examples

Date:July 03, 2011

Intro - To be done!

Import and Export


at_import() is a simple function to import CSV text files as Numpy ndarrays. This will open a simple GUI dialog box asking for the place where your CSV file is located:

import arraytool.planar as planar

Similarly, at_export() can be used to export any Numpy ndarray data to a CSV file. This will open a simple GUI dialog box asking for the location where the CSV file needs to be saved:

import arraytool.planar as planar

Input Format


One way to generate Arraytool’s input format is to use the function ip_format():

import arraytool.planar as planar
import numpy as np

# Array lattice parameters (a & b are normalized with respect to the wavelength)
a = 0.5 # separation between the elements along x-axis
b = 0.7 # separation between the elements along y-axis
gamma = np.pi / 2 # lattice angle in radians

# Array Excitation information
M = 1 # no. of elements along x-axis
N = 11 # no. of elements along y-axis
A = np.ones((N, M)) # A simple uniform planar excitation

# Generating Arraytool input format 
array_ip = planar.ip_format(a, b, A, gamma)

print array_ip

In the above coding, matrix A represents the planar array arrangement which is shown below.

To be done!

Also, if needed, one can plot the array excitation using the option plot of ip_format(). If the array is linear (either along x or y axis), a 2D plot is generated using Matplotlib. If the given array is planar, a 3D stem plot is generated using Mayavi. Two such simple plots are shown below.

To be done!

Another way is, to simply make a CSV file in the below format and and import it using the function at_import().

Array Factor Zeros


Array factor of a linear discrete array (neglecting any normalization factor) is defined as

AF(u) = \sum_{m=1}^{M}\ [A_{m}\exp(jk_{0}ux_{m}].

Some of the array factor properties, assuming that the array elements are uniformly placed, are given as:

  • Array factor AF\left(u\right) is a periodic function in the u - domain with a period of \lambda/a, where a is the separation between elements.
  • Since AF\left(u\right) is a polynomial of the order M-1 in \exp(jk_{0}ua), if we know M-1 zeros of the array factor (with in a period), we can easily evaluate all the array coefficients A_m. In addition, in most of the cases (except shaped beam synthesis, etc), these zeros are symmetrically located on the u axis. So, in symmetric cases, we need only \mathrm{ceil}\left[(M-1)/2\right)] zeros. If the pattern is a difference pattern, then zero at the origin also should be taken into consideration.

In Arraytool, the function AF_zeros() provides these \mathrm{ceil}\left[(M-1)/2\right)] zeros. So, let us get the array factor zeros for some simple array excitations:

import arraytool.planar as planar

a = 0.5 # separation between the elements along x-axis (normalized WRS wavelength)
M = 10 # no. of elements along x-axis

SLR = 25 # side-lobe ratio in dB
R = 10 ** (SLR / 20) # converting SLR from dB scale to linear scale

U0 = planar.AF_zeros(a, M, R, dist_type="Dolph-Chebyshev")
print 'arrayfactor zeros:', '\n', U0

The output is as shown below:

>>> arrayfactor zeros: 
array([[ 0.2348126 ],
       [ 0.38767709],
       [ 0.58329742],
       [ 0.78998547]])

Excitation from AF Zeros


In the previous section we obtained the array factor zeros. Now, we can use those zeros to obtain the array excitation using the function A_frm_zeros() as shown below:

import arraytool.planar as planar

a = 0.5 # separation between the elements along x-axis (normalized WRS wavelength)
M = 10 # no. of elements along x-axis

SLR = 25 # side-lobe ratio in dB
R = 10 ** (SLR / 20) # converting SLR from dB scale to linear scale

U0 = planar.AF_zeros(a, M, R, dist_type="Dolph-Chebyshev")

A = planar.A_frm_zeros(U0, a, M, symmetry="even").T # finding excitation coefficients
print 'array coefficients:', '\n', A.T

The output is as shown below:

>>> array coefficients:
array([[ 0.64163439],
       [ 0.59442917],
       [ 0.77799478],
       [ 0.921367  ],
       [ 1.        ],
       [ 1.        ],
       [ 0.921367  ],
       [ 0.77799478],
       [ 0.59442917],
       [ 0.64163439]])

As can be seen above, array coefficients at the center are normalized to the value 1.

Generating Various Types of Array Excitations


Most of the times, we don’t have to go through the process given in the last two sections. Instead, we can get the excitation values in one single step using the function dist(). This function gives array excitation coefficients corresponding to various array distribution types such as Dolph-Chebyshev, McNamara-Zolotarev-sum, McNamara-Zolotarev-diff-f, McNamara-Zolotarev-diff-s, Taylor, Bayliss, Pritchard-Chebyshev-be, Pritchard-Chebyshev-ue, etc. A simple example to obtain Taylor n-bar (also known as Villeneuve) distribution is shown below:

import arraytool.planar as planar

a = 0.5 # separation between the elements along x-axis (normalized WRS wavelength)
M = 10 # no. of elements along x-axis

SLR = 25 # side-lobe ratio in dB
R = 10 ** (SLR / 20) # converting SLR from dB scale to linear scale

A = planar.dist(a, M, R, dist_type_x="Taylor", mbar=2, alpha_x=0)
print 'array coefficients:', '\n', A.T

The output is as shown below:

>>> array coefficients: 
array([[ 0.52917308],
       [ 0.61909302],
       [ 0.76458654],
       [ 0.91008006],
       [ 1.        ],
       [ 1.        ],
       [ 0.91008006],
       [ 0.76458654],
       [ 0.61909302],
       [ 0.52917308]])


However, the function dist() will not provide any information regarding the array factor zeros. If this information is necessary, for the time being, there is no other option but to use the function AF_zeros()

Evaluating 2D Array Factor of a Linear Array in u - domain


Obviously, the most important task in array analysis and design is to plot the actual array factor. In order to accomplish this task, one can use the function pattern_u(). A simple example to plot a Dolph-Chebyshev pattern is shown below:

import arraytool.planar as planar

a = 0.6 # separation between the elements along x-axis (normalized WRS wavelength)
M = 10 # no. of elements along x-axis

SLR = 25 # side-lobe ratio in dB
R = 10 ** (SLR / 20) # converting SLR from dB scale to linear scale

A = planar.dist(a, M, R, dist_type_x="Dolph-Chebyshev")

# Converting the 'excitation & position' information into Arraytool input format
array_ip = planar.ip_format(a, b=0, A=A)

# Calling the 'pattern_u' function to evaluate and plot 2D AF/GF/NF
[u,AF] = planar.pattern_u(array_ip, u_scan=0, u_min= -2, u_max=2, u_num=300,
                          scale="dB", dB_limit= -40, factor="NF", 
                          plot_type="rect", lattice=True)

If a polar plot is needed, then the following command can be used:

# Calling the 'pattern_u' function to evaluate and plot 2D AF/GF/NF
[u,AF] = planar.pattern_u(array_ip, u_scan=0, u_min= -1, u_max=1, u_num=300,
                          scale="dB", dB_limit= -40, factor="NF", 
                          plot_type="polar", lattice=True)

Evaluating 3D Array Factor of a planar Array in uv - domain


When the given array is planar, i.e., a 2D array in the xy-plane, then we need to plot the pattern as a function of (u,v). In order to accomplish this task, one can use the function pattern_uv(). A simple example to plot radiation pattern of a planar uniform array is shown below:

import arraytool.planar as planar
import numpy as np

a = 0.6 # separation between the elements along x-axis (normalized WRS wavelength)
b = 0.5 # separation between the elements along y-axis (normalized WRS wavelength)
M = 10 # no. of elements along x-axis
N = 11 # no. of elements along y-axis

A = np.ones((N, M)) # Uniform planar excitation

# Converting the 'excitation & position' information into Arraytool input format
array_ip = planar.ip_format(a, b, A)

# Calling the 'pattern_uv' function to evaluate and plot 3D AF/GF/NF
[u, v, AF] = planar.pattern_uv(array_ip, u_scan=0, v_scan=0, u_min= -2, u_max=2, u_num=300,
           v_min= -2, v_max=2, v_num=300, scale="dB", dB_limit=-40,
           factor="NF", plot_type="rect", mayavi_app=False)

If a contour plot is needed, then the following command can be used:

# Calling the 'pattern_uv' function to evaluate and plot 3D AF/GF/NF
[u, v, AF] = planar.pattern_uv(array_ip, u_scan=0, v_scan=0, u_min= -2, u_max=2, u_num=300,
           v_min= -2, v_max=2, v_num=300, scale="dB", dB_limit=-40,
           factor="NF", plot_type="contour", mayavi_app=False)

Evaluating 3D Array Factor of an arbitrary 3D Array in (tht, phi) - domain


In the previous section, plotting in (u,v) is described. However, some times it may be necessary to plot in (\theta,\phi) domain too. In such cases, one can use the function pattern_tp(). A simple example to plot radiation pattern of a planar uniform array in (\theta,\phi) domain is shown below:

import arraytool.planar as planar
import numpy as np

a = 0.6 # separation between the elements along x-axis (normalized WRS wavelength)
b = 0.5 # separation between the elements along y-axis (normalized WRS wavelength)
M = 10 # no. of elements along x-axis
N = 11 # no. of elements along y-axis

A = np.ones((N, M)) # Uniform planar excitation

# Converting the 'excitation & position' information into Arraytool input format
array_ip = planar.ip_format(a, b, A)

# Calling the 'pattern_tp' function to evaluate and plot 3D AF/GF/NF    
[tht, phi, AF] = planar.pattern_tp(array_ip, tht_scan=(0)*np.pi, phi_scan=(0)*np.pi, tht_min= 0,
                  tht_max=0.5*np.pi, tht_num=200, phi_min= 0*np.pi, phi_max=2*np.pi,
                  phi_num=200, scale="dB", dB_limit= -40, factor="GF", plot_type="polar")

If a rectangular surf plot is needed, then the following command can be used:

# Calling the 'pattern_tp' function to evaluate and plot 3D AF/GF/NF    
[tht, phi, AF] = planar.pattern_tp(array_ip, tht_scan=(0)*np.pi, phi_scan=(0)*np.pi, tht_min= 0,
                  tht_max=0.5*np.pi, tht_num=200, phi_min= 0*np.pi, phi_max=2*np.pi,
                  phi_num=200, scale="dB", dB_limit= -40, factor="GF", plot_type="rect")

If a contour plot is needed, then the following command can be used:

# Calling the 'pattern_tp' function to evaluate and plot 3D AF/GF/NF    
[tht, phi, AF] = planar.pattern_tp(array_ip, tht_scan=(0)*np.pi, phi_scan=(0)*np.pi, tht_min= 0,
                  tht_max=0.5*np.pi, tht_num=200, phi_min= 0*np.pi, phi_max=2*np.pi,
                  phi_num=200, scale="dB", dB_limit= -40, factor="GF", plot_type="contour")

Usage of Zolotarev Polynomial Module

To be done!